Argentinian Baby Baby Names

Argentinian Baby Name Generator

Unique Argentinian Baby Names & Meanings


Jacinta (Hyacinth, Purple)

Jacinto (Hyacinth flower)

Jacobo (Supplanter)

Jade (Jewel)

Jago (Supplanter)

Jaime (Supplanter)

Jaime (Supplanter)

Jaimica (Supplanter)

Jaione (Nativity)

Jairo (Jehovah enlightens)

Jakinda (Hyacinth flower)

Jasone (Assumption)

Jasper (Master of treasure)

Javier (Bright, Splendid)

Javiera (Owns a new house)

Javiero (Born in January)

Jax (Hyacinth flower)

Jeraldo (Rules by the spear)

Jerardo (Rules by the spear)

Jeremias (Jehovah exalts.)

Jerico (City of the moon)

Jerold (Rules by the spear)

Jeronimo (Sacred)

Jerrald (Rules by the spear)

Jerrold (Rules by the spear)

Jesus (Named for Jesus)

Jesusa (Named for Jesus)

Jimena (Heard)

Joaquin (Jehovah has established)

Joaquina (Prepared)

Jonas (Dove)

Jordana (Down flowing)

Jorge (Farmer)

Jose (May God give increase)

Josefa (God wiIl multiply)

Josefina (God wiIl multiply)

Joselito (May God give increase)

Josias (Jehovah has healed)

Josue (God is salvation)

Josune (Named for Jesus)

Jovana (Roman mythological God Jupiter, Father of the sky.)

Jovanna (Roman mythological God Jupiter, Father of the sky.)

Jovena (Roman mythological God Jupiter, Father of the sky.)

Jovian (Roman mythological God Jupiter, Father of the sky.)

Jovina (Roman mythological God Jupiter, Father of the sky.)

Jovita (Roman mythological God Jupiter, Father of the sky.)

Juan (Gracious, Merciful, God is gracious)

Juana (God's gift)

Juanetta (Gift from God)

Juanisha (Gift from God)

Juanita (God's gift)

Juanito (Gracious gift from God)

Julian (Youth)

Juliano (Jove's child)

Julieta (Youthful)

Julina (Youthful)

Julio (Youth)

Justino (Justice)


Karmen (Fruit Garden)

Kasandra (Protector of mankind)

Kassandra (Protector of mankind)

Katia (Pure, Innocent)

Katia (Pure, Innocent)

Kelvin (Bald)

Kemen (Strong)

Kemena (Strong)

Kemina (Strong)

Kepa (Stone)

Kesara (Youthful)

Kesare (Long haired)


La Reina (Queen)

Lala (Well - spoken)

Lali (Well - spoken)

Lalia (Well - spoken)

Lalla (Well - spoken)

Lalla (Well - spoken)

Lan (Bringer of Peace, Hope)

Landa (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Landra (Counselor)

Landrada (Counselor)

Lani (Bringer of Peace, Hope)

Lanna (Bringer of Peace, Hope)

Lara (Protection)

Lareina (The queen)

Larunda (Laurel crown, The crown of victory)

Latoya (Victorious one)

Laura (Laurel crown, The crown of victory)

Laurana (The laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, Victory)

Laurence (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)

Laurencia (Laurel crown, The crown of victory)

Laurinda (The laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, Victory)

Laurita (The laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, Victory)

Lavina (Derived from the Roman given name Levinia)

Lavinia (Derived from the Roman given name Levinia)

Lazaro (Help of God)

Lea (Woman)

Leala (Loyal, Faithful)

Leandro (Lion)

Legarre (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Leira (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Leo (Holy oil used in church)

Leon (Lion)

Leonardo (Brave as a Lion)

Leonel (Young lion)

Leonides (Lion)

Leonor (Shining light)

Leonora (Shining light)

Leopoldo (Brave one)

Lera (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Letitia (Happy)

Levina (Derived from the Roman given name Levinia)

Leya (Loyalty)

Lia (Pretty rose)

Lia (Pretty rose)

Liana (Youthful)

Liani (Bringer of Peace, Hope)

Liannaka (Bringer of Peace, Hope)

Lin (Pretty)

Linda (Beautiful woman)

Linden (Pretty)

Lindi (Pretty)

Lindy (Pretty)

Lisa (Devoted to God)

Lisandro (Liberator, Emancipation)

Lise (Devoted to God)

Lisie (Devoted to God)

Llesenia (A gypsy)

Lola (Strong, Strong-woman)

Loleta (Strong)

Lolita (Strong, Strong-woman)

Lolitta (Strong)

Lonzo (Noble estate, Eager)

Lora (Flower)

Lorda (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Lore (Flower)

Lorenzo (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)

Loretta (Pure)

Louis (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)

Lourdes (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Louredes (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Lucena (Illumination)

Lucero (Bringer of light)

Luciano (Light, Illumination)

Lucila (Light, Illumination)

Lucila (Light, Illumination)

Lucio (Bringer of light)

Lucita (Little light)

Lucrecia (Bringer of light)

Luella (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)

Luis (Famous warrior)

Luisa (Renowned warrior)

Luiza (From the place of laurel trees, Honor, Victory)

Lupe (Wolf)

Lupita (Named for the Virgin Mary)

Lur (Earth)

Luvenia (Derived from the Roman given name Levinia)

Luvina (Derived from the Roman given name Levinia)

Luz (Bringer of light)

Lynda (Pretty)

Lysa (Devoted to God)

Lyse (Devoted to God)


Macario (Happy)

Macerio (Medieval weapon used by knights)

Madalena (Bitter)

Madalynn (Woman from Magdala)

Madeira (Sweet wine)

Madelynn (Woman from Magdala)

Madena (Woman from Magdala)

Madia (Woman from Magdala)

Madina (Woman from Magdala)

Madra (Mother)

Madre (Mother)

Madrona (Mother)

Magdalen (Woman from Magdala)

Magdalena (Woman from Magdala)

Magdalene (Woman from Magdala)

Maite (Love)

Maitea (Love)

Malia (Bitter)

Malita (Bitter)

Manda (Battle maid)

Mani (God is with us)

Mannie (God is with us)

Manny (God is with us)

Mano (God is with us)

Manoela (With God)

Manolito (God is with us)

Manolo (God is with us)

Manuel (God is with us)

Manuela (God is with us)

Manuelo (God is with us)

Marabel (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Marcela (Warring)

Marco (Warring)

Marcos (Of Mars, The god of war)

Margarita (Pearl)

Maria (Bitter)

Mariano (Bitter)

Maricel (God of war)

Maricela (God of war)

Maricelia (God of war)

Maricella (God of war)

Maridel (God is with us)

Marietta (Bitter)

Mario (Warring)

Mariposa (Butterfly)

Mariquita (Bitter)

Maris (I am the sun)

Marisa (Bitter)

Marisela (God of war)

Marisol (Bitter)

Marquez (A title name ranking below duke and above earl)

Marquilla (Bitter)

Marta (A lady)

Martin (Warring)

Martina (Warring)

Martinez (Warring)

Martino (Warring)

Mateo (God's gift)

Matias (Gift of God)

Matro (God's gift)

Maureo (Dark skinned, A Moor)

Maurice (Dark skinned warrior)

Mauricio (Moorish)

Mauro (Moorish)

Maya (Industrious)

Melisenda (Sweet)

Melita (Garden)

Melosa (Sweet)

Melosia (Sweet)

Mendi (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Mercedes (Mercy)

Mercia (Mercy)

Mercy (Mercy)

Miguel (Like God)

Milagritos (Miracle)

Milagros (Miracle)

Milagrosa (Miracle)

Mimi (Bitter)

Mini (Lady of the earth)

Minney (Lady of the earth)

Mira (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Mirabel (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Mirabelle (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Mirable (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Miranda (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Mirari (Miracle)

Mireille (Mircaulous)

Mirella (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Mirelle (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Mireya (Mircaulous)

Mirielle (Mircaulous)

Mirila (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Modesta (Modest one)

Modeste (Modest one)

Moises (Saved from the water)

Molara (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Mona (Wise protector)

Monica (Adviser)

Montae (Steep mountain)

Montay (Mountain)

Monte (Mountain)

Montel (Mountain)

Montes (Mountain)

Montez (Mountain)

Montrel (Mountain)

Montrell (Mountain)

Montrelle (Mountain)

Mora (Little blueberry)

Morella (Little blueberry)

Morina (Little blueberry)

Morisa (Dark skinned warrior)

Morissa (Dark skinned warrior)

Mrabella (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Myra (Extraordinary, To be admired)

Myrilla (Extraordinary, To be admired)


Naiara (Reference to the Virgin Mary)

Nalda (Strong)

Naldo (Strong)

Nana (Grace)

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Narcisa (Daffodil)

Natal (Born at Christmas)

Natalia (Born at Christmas)

Natalio (Born at Christmas)

Natanael (Gift from God)

Nataniel (Gift from God)

Natividad (Reference to the Nativity)

Navarro (Plains, A medieval Spanish kingdom)

Neiva (Snowy)

Nekana (Sorrows)

Nekane (Sorrows)

Nelia (Yellow)

Nelida (Shining light)

Nemesio (Named for Nemesis goddess of vengeance)

Nerea (Mine)

Neron (Strong)

Nesto (Serious)

Nestor (Wise)

Neta (Serious)

Neto (Serious)

Neva (Snowy)

Nevada (Snow-clad, A western USA state)

Nevada (Snowy)

Nevea (Snow-clad)

Nevia (Snow-clad)

Nevita (Snow-clad)

Nicanor (Victorious army)

Nicanora (Victorious army)

Nicolas (People's victory)

Nieve (Snowy)

Niguel (Champion)

Nina (Girl)

Ninette (Girl)

Ninon (Girl)

Ninya (Girl)

Nita (Serious)

Noe (Comfort)

Noemi (Pleasant)

Norberto (Heroic)

Normando (From the north)

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Octavio (Eighth child)

Odanda (Famous land)

Oihane (From the forest)

Oleos (Holy oil used in church)

Olinda (Protector)

Oliveria (Affectionate)

Oliverio (Affectionate)

Oliverios (Affectionate)

Olivia (Olive)

Ora (Gold)

Orlan (Famous soldier)

Orland (Famous soldier)

Orlando (Famous land)

Orlin (Famous soldier)

Orlondo (Famous soldier)

Oro (Gold)

Orquidea (Orchid)

Orquidia (Orchid)

Osana (Health)

Osane (Health)


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Pabla (Little)

Pablo (Little one)

Pacho (Free)

Paciencia (Patience)

Paco (Free)

Pacorro (Free)

Palba (Blond)

Palban (Blond)

Palben (Blond)

Palita (Dove)

Palmira (From the city of Palms)

Paloma (Dove)

Palometa (Dove)

Palomina (Dove)

Palomita (Dove)

Pancho (Free, A free man)

Paquita (Free)

Pascual (Passover)

Pasqual (Passover)

Pastora (Shepherdess)

Patia (Leaf)

Patricia (Noble one)

Patricio (Noble one)

Patrido (Noble one)

Paulita (Little)

Paz (Peace)

Paz (Peace)

Pedra (Stone)

Pedro (Rock)

Pepe (God wiIl multiply)

Pepillo (God wiIl multiply)

Pepita (He shall add)

Perfecta (Perfect)

Pia (Pious, Righteous)

Pilar (Pillar)

Pirro (Red haired)

Placida (Tranquil)

Placido (Tranquil)

Platon (Broad shouldered)

Ponce (Born fifth)

Porfirio (Purple)

Porfiro (Purple)

Primavera (Spring time)

Primeiro (Born first)

Prospero (Wealthy)

Prudencia (Prudent)

Puebla (From the city)

Pueblo (From the city)

Pura (Pure)

Pureza (Pure)

Purisima (Pure)


Querida (Beloved)

Quin (Jehovah has established)

Quinta (Fifth-born child)

Quique (Ruler of an estate)


Rae (Beautiful, Unique)

Raeka (Beautiful, Unique)

Rafael (God has healed)

Rafe (God has healed)

Rai (Wise protector)

Raimunda (Wise protector)

Raimundo (Wise protector)

Ramira (Judicious)

Ramirez (Judicious)

Ramiro (Great judge)

Ramon (Wise protector)

Ramona (Wise protector)

Ramonda (Wise protector)

Ramone (Wise protector)

Raquel (Lamb)

Raul (Wolf counsel)

Raulo (Wise)

Rayman (Worthy protector)

Raymon (Worthy protector)

Regina (Queenly)

Reina (Queen)

Remedios (Remedy)

Renaldo (Counselor-ruler)

Renato (To rise again)

Reno (Place name)

Rey (King)

Reyes (Kings)

Reynaldo (Counselor-ruler)

Reynardo (Strong counselor)

Ria (From the river's mouth)

Rica (Rules the home)

Ricarda (Rules the home)

Ricardo (Strong ruler)

Richie (Powerful ruler)

Rico (Powerful ruler)

Rio (River)

Rio (River)

Rita (Pearl)

Ritchie (Powerful ruler)

Ro (Famous soldier)

Roana (Reddish brown skin)

Roano (Reddish brown skin)

Roberto (Bright, Famous)

Rocio (Dew drops)

Rodas (Rose)

Roderiga (Famous ruler)

Roderigo (Famous ruler)

Rodolfo (Famous wolf)

Rodrigo (Famous ruler)

Rogelio (Famous soldier)

Roldan (Famous soldier)

Roldana (Famous soldier)

Roman (From Rome)

Romana (From Rome)

Romano (From Rome)

Romeo (From Rome)

Ronaldo (Powerful, Rules with counsel)

Roque (Rock)

Rosa (Rose)

Rosalind (Pretty rose)

Rosalinda (Pretty rose)

Rosalinde (Beautiful)

Rosaline (Pretty rose)

Rosalyn (Pretty rose)

Rosamaria (Bitter)

Rosario (Rosary. Refers to devotional prayers honoring Mary.)

Rosario (Beautiful)

Rose-Lyn (Pretty rose)

Roseline (Pretty rose)

Roselyn (Pretty rose)

Rosemarie (Bitter)

Rosey (Pretty rose)

Rosilind (Pretty rose)

RosIyn (Beautiful)

Roslin (Pretty rose)

Ruben (Behold - a son)

Rufa (Red haired)

Rufina (Red haired)

Rufio (Red haired)

Rufo (Red haired)


Sabana (From the open plain)

Sabel (Devoted to God)

Sabina (A Sabine)

Sabino (A Sabine)

Sal (Saviour)

Sal (Saviour)

Salaidh (Saviour)

Salbatora (Saviour)

Salbatore (Saviour)

Salli (Saviour)

Sallie (Saviour)

Sally (Saviour)

Sallye (Saviour)

Salomon (Peaceful)

Salvador (Saviour)

Salvadora (Saviour)

Salvadore (Saviour)

Salvatora (Saviour)

Salvatore (Saviour)

Salvino (Saviour)

Sancha (Holy)

Sancho (Saint)

Sancia (Holy)

Sandia (Watermelon)

Santi (Supplanter)

Santiago (Supplanter)

Santos (Saint)

Sara (Princess)

Sarita (Princess)

Saturnin (Gift of Saturn)

Saturnina (Gift of Saturn)

Saul (Asked of God)

Sauveur (Saviour)

Savanna (From the open plain)

Savannah (From the open plain)

Sebastiano (Revered one)

Segunda (Born second)

Segundo (Born second)

Sein (Innocent)

Seina (Innocent)

Senalda (Sign)

Senon (Given life by Zeus)

Senona (Lively)

Serafin (Seraph)

Serafina (Seraph)

Serena (Serene)

Severo (Strict, Restrained)

Shoshana (Lily)

Sierra (Saw-tooth mountain range)

Silverio (Mythological Greek god of trees)

Silvino (Mythological Greek god of trees)

Simona (God is heard)

Socorro (Help)

Sofia (Wise)

Solana (Sunshine)

Soledad (Solitary)

Soledada (Solitary)

Stefano (Laurel crown, The crown of victory)

Stephan (Crown, Wreath)

Stephen (Crown, Wreath)

Suelita (Lily)

Susana (Lily)


Tabor (Plays a small drum)

Tabora (Plays a small drum)

Tadeo (Praise)

Tajo (Day)

Taurino (Bull-like, Born under the sign of Taurus)

Tauro (Bull-like, Born under the sign of Taurus)

Tavio (Eighth child)

Telma (Nursing)

Teo (God)

Teodor (Gift of God)

Teodora (Gift of God)

Teodoro (Gift from God)

Terceira (Born third)

Terciero (Born third)

Teresa (Saint's name)

Teresita (Saint's name)

Teyo (God)

Tia (Aunt)

Tiana (Aunt)

Tianna (Aunt)

Tierra (Earth, Land)

Timo (One who honors God)

Timoteo (One who honors God)

Tito (Giant)

Tobias (Goodness of God)

Tohias (God is great)

Toli (Farmer)

Tomas (Twin)

Tonio (Priceless, Flourishing, Flower)

Toro (Bull-like, Born under the sign of Taurus)

Trella (Star)

Tulio (Lively)

Turi (Bear)


Ula (Well - spoken)

Ulises (Full of wrath)

Urbano (From the city)

Ursulina (Little bear)

Usoa (Dove)


Valentin (Strong)

Valentina (Brave)

Vanesa (Butterfly)

Ventura (Good fortune)

Verdad (Honest)

Veta (Intelligent)

Veto (Intelligent)

Vicenta (Victor)

Vicente (Conqueror)

Victor (Victor)

Victoriano (Conqueror)

Victorino (Conqueror)

Victorio (Conqueror)

Victoro (Victor)

Vidal (Life)

Videl (Life)

Vina (From the vineyard)

Vincente (Victor)

Virgilio (Flourishing)

Virginia (Virgin)

Vito (Vital)

Vittoria (Victor)


Xabat (Saviour)

Xalbador (Saviour)

Xalbadora (Saviour)

Xalvador (Saviour)

Xalvadora (Saviour)

Xavier (Bright, Splendid)

Xaviera (Bright, Splendid)

Xever (Owns a new house)

Xevera (Owns a new house)

Xeveria (Owns a new house)

Ximen (Obedient)

Xiomara (Xiomy)


Yadra (Mother)

Yago (Supplanter)

Yanamaria (Bitter grace)

Yanamarie (Bitter grace)

Yesenia (A gypsy)

Yoana (God's gift)

Yolanda (Violet)

Yomaris (I am the sun)


Zacarias (Remembered by God)

Zamora (From Zamora)

Zandra (Protector of mankind)

Zaneta (God's gift. A saint's name.)

Zanetta (God's gift. A saint's name.)

Zanita (God's gift. A saint's name.)

Zenon (Living)

Zita (Little hope)

Zurina (White)

Zurine (White)